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Kali's Moksha


A Platform for Diverse, Daring, & Destigmatizing Art, Poetry, & Fiction


"Samhara Kali" by Raja Ravi Varma


The Hindu Goddess Kali is considered to be one of the earliest feminist figures in world history. Though famous for destroying evil and dancing on corpses with her tongue hanging out, she is also revered as a protective deity who grants moksha (liberation). Our mission is to destroy evil (racism, cisheterosexism, sizeism, ableism, and all other forms of hatred and oppression) by providing a platform for writing that may not be accepted by larger, censoring, white-cis-male-dominated publishers, and giving voice and recognition to emerging writers and artists, especially those who come from difficult, uncommon, stigmatized, or diverse backgrounds.

What We Like

We like work that isn't afraid. We want the work that "goes there." We want to know all about that thing you don't talk about. We want your f*cked up childhood, your rage against the system that sends people who look like you to prison for bullsh*t reasons, your murder fantasies about that guy who shouldn't have done what he did when the two of you were alone. We want your heartbreaking honesty, your raw narrative. Be honest. Be unapologetic. Don't pull any punches, we can take it.


"Phoenix" by Shakiba Hashemi

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Arien Reed, MFA (he/him)

Arien is a pushcart nominated poet and an award-winning artist who paints and draws other gender-diverse and/or intersex people. When not covered in paint, he can be found volunteering on the board of Trans-E-Motion, a transgender advocacy organization serving California’s Central Valley. His unpublished collections have been finalists for the Kore Press, Grayson Books, Press 53, and Inlandia poetry prizes, and his poetic ravings and artsy doodles have somehow crawled their way into New South, Oberon, Florida Review, Sonora Review, High Shelf Press, J Mane Gallery, Allegory Ridge, and others. His poetic lunacy can be witnessed on Instagram at @arienreedwriting and his squeaky descent into artistic anarchy can be observed at @arienreedart

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